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The Cyber Age of Science


Did you know there are terabytes upon terabytes of scientific data we can freely access? Is infinite data infinite knowledge? In this episode, the speakers will show how biologists collect, compare, and compute data to generate knowledge in the era of big data.

To watch the trailer, click on the image below


How to Generate and Regenerate an Organism


If we look closely, we can see common themes and patterns in animal diversity. How do similar cells create different body shapes? How can one cell organise and build an entire animal from scratch? What enables some cells to regenerate missing body parts? Scientists give insights into their research, contributing to answering questions about how the body forms.

To watch the trailer, click on the image below


The Secret Lives of Sea Creatures


What kind of life did early animals lead? Did they have a similar body form from birth to adulthood, like humans, or did they undergo metamorphosis like tadpoles to frogs and caterpillars to butterflies? And which came first in evolution: the adult or the larva? Join Wednesday’s researchers who try to answer these questions by studying animals with alien larval forms.

To watch the trailer, click on the image below


Have you ever wanted to travel back in time and understand how animal life came to be? This series might be your best chance. Join researchers as they ask the same overarching question: what did animal ancestors look like? In an attempt to answer this question we will discuss modern methods in science, take a look at the fossil record, how cells shape the bodies of different animals and how they evolve. Bring along your burning questions on the origins and evolution of animal life and join in the discussion live via Zoom or YouTube.
@Museum für Naturkunde Berlin @EvoCell


Dates and place:

-       Mo 23.11, Mo 30.11, Tue 01.12, Mo 07.12, Tue 08.12.; 7pm – 8pm,

-       Participation via Zoom and YouTube (links for Zoom and YouTube can be found on the museums event pages below) 

Links to the 5 episodes of the series (Event links of the Museum für Naturkunde):







On Twitter: https://twitter.com/evocell_itn?lang=de

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evocell.itn/

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EvoCell.itn/


  • “This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 766053.”

On Twitter: https://twitter.com/eu_h2020


Links to the Facebook events can be found here:


Scadenza ore 12:00 del 15 dicembre 2020

Avviso Pubblico


pubblicato il 16.11.2020

Lunedi 9 novembre 2020 - ore 15.00

Presentazione del e-Libro "Attenti ai Dinosauri", Edizioni Manifestolibri. 

Saranno presenti:

Luciana Castellina

Giuseppe De Cristofaro (sottosegretario del MUR)

e gli Autori: Silvio Greco e Ferdinando Boero

Join Zoom Meeting


Per acquistare il libro visitate il sito: http://www.manifestolibri.it/.

La Stazione Zoologia in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Medicina di Precisione dell’Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, partecipa al XXXVI ciclo di dottorato di ricerca in Medicina Traslazionale dell’Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, con il progetto "Bioactive lipids in diatoms: possible role and potential biotechnological applications".

Il bando per il concorso di ammissione al XXXVI ciclo di dottorato è disponibile al seguente link https://www.unicampania.it/index.php/didattica/dottorati-di-ricerca/iscriversi-ad-un-dottorato

Ph.D. fellowships are available to carry out interdisciplinary training in Biological Sciences at the Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' Naples Italy.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified postgraduate candidates (see details).

The closing date for applications is June 30th 2020 h. 12.00

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