Hélène Morlon
Institut de Biologie
École Normale Supérieure, Paris - France
Conference Room
Friday, November 24, 2017 - h12.00
Angela Pelusi
Integrative Marine Ecology Department
Conference Room
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - h12.00
Ulisse Cardini and Grazia Marina Quero, researchers of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, together with international collaborators are organizing a scientific session at the prestigious ASLO Summer Meeting that will take place in Victoria, Canada in June 2018. Their session will provide a forum for discussing the relevance of host-microbe interactions in aquatic ecosystem functioning.
The theme of the meeting is "Water Connects!". Water connects everything and everyone! Water transcends and connects all spheres: the lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere – from fresh to salty, from microscopic to macroscopic. Water connects us to each other and to resources – across cultures and society, across politics and international boundaries. However, these elements are too frequently studied in isolation. This meeting will encourage you to bring your knowledge, curiosity, and creativity to connect with each other and to share your passion for water!
Abstract submission and registration will be open by early January 2018.
Please go to for information and to learn more about the agenda, including speakers, and optional events and activities.
Emanuela Buschi
Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms Department
Conference Room
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - h12.00
Venerdì 24 novembre, ore 17.00
Introduce: Silvia Caianiello
Intervengono: David Monacchi, Maurizio Ribera d'Alcalà
Conference Room
November 16th 2017, h9.45
09.45 | Welcome Roberto Danovaro, President |
10.00 | General Induction on the PhD Program Gabriele Procaccini, Coordinator PhD Program |
10.45 | The Stazione Zoologica general organization, services and facilities Graziano Fiorito, Head Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms |
11.00 | The Stazione Zoologica Health and Safety code Dr. Mariella Ferrante, Scientist Department of Integrative Marine Ecology |
11.15 | Brief History of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Dr. Christiane Groeben, Senior Archivist |
11.30 | Questions and Discussion |
Gabriella Grossi
Stazione Zoologica
Tel. 081 5833396
e-mail: gabriella.grossi(at)
From 11 to 13 October 2017, the workshop of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO, "Metrology for the Sea" ( was held in Naples at Parthenope University. The workshop focused on new technologies for the marine monitoring, marine metrology sensors, calibration methods, and graphical interfaces.
During the Workshop, the Organizing Committee awarded the "Best Demo Award" to the MEDA Graphic User Interface (MEDA-GUI) designed and implemented by Engineer Cosimo Vestito in collaboration with Dr. Fabio Conversano and Dr. Augusto Passarelli. The MEDA GUI shows in real time the weather and sea condition data transmitted by the two meda-elastic buoys located in the Gulf of Naples, in the waters off Bagnoli and the Stazione Zoologica.
The interface displays a series of atmospheric and marine parameters collected from the surface up to 15 meters deep. In order to facilitate the understanding of the data even by less experienced users, information is presented in the form of graphic animations. The ultimate goal is to give access to this information via the SZN portal, facilitating its use to a large number of users, including local fishermen, yachtsmen and beach tourists.
Laura Núñez Pons
Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms Department
Conference Room
Thursday, November 9, 2017 - h12.00
Trevor J. Willis
Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Portsmouth - Portsmouth, UK
Conference Room
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - h12.00
7 novembre 2017
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Sala Conferenze
Chairs: M.C. Buia e A. Di Cosmo
• F. D. Moccia1 e B. Scalera – Pozzuoli e Baia: scali marittimi interconnessi a basso impatto ambientale.
• L. Ferraro2 – Quanta vita in un pugno di sabbia: organismi unicellulari indicatori ambientali.
• G. Aiello1, D. Barra, R. Parisi – Diversità delle associazioni a foraminiferi (Protista) e ostracodi (Crustacea) in relazione alle condizioni ambientali delle coste centro-settentrionali della Campania.
• F. Maffucci3 e S. Hochscheid – La conservazione delle tartarughe marine: una storia di successo ma…
• D. Di Concilio1-4, A. Martello, A.L. Langellotti, G. Fusco, M. Amoroso – Punti di forza e punti di debolezza della molluschicoltura in Campania: un impianto sperimentale per la depurazione di virus.
• L. Rosati1, M. Agnese, P. Andreuccetti e M. Prisco – Mytilus galloprovincialis nel Golfo di Napoli: un modello per lo studio del controllo endocrino della riproduzione nei molluschi.
• F. Aniello1 – Oncogeni come bioindicatori molecolari nei bivalvi filtratori per il monitoraggio dello stato di salute del Mar Mediterraneo.
• S. Manzo, L. Parrella5, S. Schiavo, M. Oliviero, G. Ansanelli – Valutazione del rischio ambientale derivante dalla presenza di biocidi antivegetativi nelle acque costiere italiane.
• M. Signore3 – Rising from the deep abyss: il mare profondo e l’origine della vita.
R. Danovaro, Presidente della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn di Napoli - La crescita blu ecosostenibile: una risorsa per il Paese ed il Mezzogiorno
1- Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
2- Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche – IAMC (Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero)
3- Stazione Zoologia Anton Dohrn
4- Istituto Zooprofilattico per il Mezzogiorno (IZSM)
5- ENEA (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo sostenibile)