Camilla Borgonuovo
Integrative Marine Ecology
Conference Room
Wednesday June 15, 2016 - h 12.00
La scuola è aperta a studenti, laureati, specializzandi, dottorandi in discipline scientifiche e ai professionisti impegnati nello studio e nella gestione del territorio/mare
Job Mission and Objectives
EMBRC is looking for a motivated and proficient Project Management Officer to strengthen its Secretariat services. Reporting directly to the EMBRC-ERIC Executive Director, the EMBRC Project Management Officer will be a core element of the EMBRC secretariat, with a mission to ensure efficient and effective operability of the Secretariat and support the planning and implementation of the services connected with the development of EMBRC-ERIC. The position is based in Paris, Université P. et M. Curie, 4 Place de Jussie. The working language is English; knowledge of French and other languages of the EU will be advantageous.
Applications will be accepted until the 30th of June
Interviews will be held in the period 01-22 July
The position will start on September 1st, 2016
Wednesday June 8, 2016 - ore 12.00
Conference Room
Ugo Coppola
Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms Department
Lunedì 30 maggio 2016
Presentazione del libro di Giuseppe D’Alessio “Storie di Evoluzione”
Sala Conferenze - ore 17.00.
Ne parleranno alla presenza dell’autore Pietro Greco, Telmo Pievani e Giancarlo Vecchio
Secondo il prof. Roberto Danovaro, con un’adeguata pianificazione dello spazio marittimo e grazie alle aree marine protette l’Isola ha tutte le carte in regola per essere protagonista in Europa per la “crescita blu”
Dan Hartline
Pacific Biosciences Research Center University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI, USA
Conference Room
Monday, May 23 2016 - 12 pm
Ph.D. fellowships are available to carry out interdisciplinary training in Biological Sciences at the Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' Naples Italy.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified postgraduate candidates (see details).