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Meeting of the G7 Ministers of Science

Berlin, 8-9 October 2015

Main action points

  • We plan to comprehensively and continuously map and coordinate publicly funded research on poverty-related infectious diseases and neglected tropical diseases, the future of the seas and oceans, clean energy, and research infrastructures in our countries and share the results of the research with relevant stakeholders.
  • On the basis of a joint analysis, we intend to continue to work to identify the priority research areas for each stage in the life cycles of plastics, identifying options to combat the entry of plastic waste into the seas and oceans. As an essential component to the G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter, we are committed to a concerted and interdisciplinary research, education and literacy programme.
  • Building on today’s announcements on the topics of poverty-related infectious diseases and neglected tropical diseases, the future of the seas and oceans, and clean energy, we plan to use and strengthen existing coordination mechanisms and action programmes and encourage further research activities.
  • We intend to raise the efforts, cooperation, and transparency of our energy research in order to accelerate the urgently required technological progress towards clean energy. In doing so, we intend to take into account questions of civil society involvement and social acceptance.
  • For a sustainable implementation of today’s announcements, we are planning to hold regular meetings of the G7 Science Ministers at the discretion of the G7 Presidency, at which progress on these topics will be reviewed.
  • We intend to strengthen the implementation of, and ensure we make progress on, today’s decisions. We encourage that the previous, present, and incoming leadership of the G7 Science Ministers meet regularly at senior officials’ level to promote this process.

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