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Identification of Prostaglandin Pathway in Dinoflagellates by Transcriptome Data Mining

The Mediterranean Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) as Intermediate Host for the Anisakid Sulcascaris sulcata (Nematoda), a Pathogen Parasite of the Mediterranean Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta)

Modeling Macroalgal Forest Distribution at Mediterranean Scale: Present Status, Drivers of Changes and Insights for Conservation and Management

1H NMR Metabolic Profile of Scyphomedusa Rhizostoma pulmo (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) in Female Gonads and Somatic Tissues: Preliminary Results

Bottom-trawl catch composition in a highly polluted coastal area reveals multifaceted native biodiversity and complex communities of fouling organisms on litter discharge

Abundance and distribution of the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea

Contrasting life-history traits of two sympatric smooth-houndspecies: implication for vulnerability

Epidemiology of blood flukes (Digenea: Spirorchiidae) in sea turtles from Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas, off Italy

Parallel artificial and biological electric circuits power petroleum decontamination: The case of snorkel and cable bacteria

Microplastics impair the feeding performance of a Mediterranean habitat-forming coral

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