Genetic confirmation of the first Mediterranean record of Holacanthus africanus Cadenat, 1951
Improving marine protected area governance through collaboration and co-production
How Sea Urchins Face Microplastics: Uptake, Tissue Distribution and Immune System Response
Antioxidant and immune response of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to different re-suspension patterns of highly polluted marine sediments
Pheophorbide a: State of the Art
Non-indigenous polychaetes along the coasts of Italy: a critical review
Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species
Genetic insights into recolonization processes of Mediterranean octocorals
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and Sulfolipid Synthesis in Microalgae
I sistemi di emissione di CO2 dell’isola d’Ischia (Mar Tirreno)