DINOREF: A curated dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae) reference database for the 18S rRNA gene
Experimental modelling of the dynamic behaviour of a spar buoy wind turbine
Reprotoxicity of Global Warming in Marine Species
Zebrafish-based identification of the antiseizure nucleoside inosine from the marine diatom Skeletonema marinoi
The Marine Dinoflagellate Alexandrium andersoni Induces Cell Death in Lung and Colorectal Tumor Cell Lines
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Marine Ovothiol A in an In Vitro Model of Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Hyperglycemia
Life history traits of a poorly known pelagic fish, Aethotaxis mitopteryx (Perciformes, Notothenioidei) from the Weddell Sea
Toxigenic effects of two benthic diatoms upon grazing activity of the sea urchin: morphological, metabolomic and de novo transcriptomic analysis
Grazer-induced transcriptomic and metabolomic response of the chain-forming diatom Skeletonema marinoi
Predictive habitat modeling in two Mediterranean canyons including hydrodynamic variables