Morphologic and genic effects of waste pollution on the reproductive physiology of Paracentrotus lividus lmk: a mesocosm experiment
Volcanic-associated ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea: a systematic map and an interactive tool to support their conservation
The “Bald Disease” of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus: Pathogenicity, Molecular Identification of the Causative Agent and Therapeutic Approach
The first genetic engineered system for ovothiol biosynthesis in diatoms reveals a mitochondrial localization for the sulfoxide synthase OvoA
Encapsulated in sediments: eDNA deciphers the ecosystem history of one of the most polluted European marine sites
Marine Natural and Nature-Inspired Compounds Targeting Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs)
Bioactive Molecules from Marine Diatoms and Their Value for the Nutraceutical Industry
Scale-Up of an Aquaculture Plant for Reproduction and Conservation of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus: Development of Post-Larval Feeds
Floating macro-litter pollution in the northern South China Sea
Gene Expression Detects the Factors Influencing the Reproductive Success and the Survival Rates of Paracentrotus lividus Offspring