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“PNIR - Programma Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca”
(Avviso D.D. n 2595 del 24-12-19)
Strengthening of the Human Capital of the Research Infrastructures

Title: Research and marine infrastructure strengthening (EMBRC-IT) – Strengthening of the Human Capital

Acronym: PRIMA

Code: CIR01_00029

Research infrastructure targeted by the project: EMBRC - European Marine Biological Resource Centre


The main objective of the project is to complete and enhance the infrastructural strengthening realized through the PON PRIMA - with which the Italian node of the European research infrastructure EMBRC, coordinated by the SZN, has obtained a funding aimed at making the infrastructure the most important HUB for marine scientific and technological research at European level - through the strengthening of the corresponding human capital.
This refers not only to researchers and technologists dedicated to the realization of the technical-scientific activities of the enhanced infrastructure, but also to the support to the development and management of governance and to the promotion and strengthening of collaboration networks between infrastructures, at national and European level.
In this way, it will be also possible to respond to the ever-increasing demand for research personnel and expand the critical mass that will be able to develop and use RIs, increasing the positive impact both in terms of research and innovation and, subsequently, of employment and development of the country.

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