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Coordinator: Daniele Iudicone


The aim of the laboratory is to support the study of the ecology of marine plankton and  of the ocean physics that is relevant for the plankton ecology. The laboratory of ecological modeling has as main activity the preparation and realization of numerical simulations of the ocean circulation at microscale (DNS), mesoscale (ROMS) and at global scale (NEMO) and of the associated plankton dynamics. The activities are integrated with statistical analysis of environmental (physicochemical) data, ecological (populations) data and biological (metagenomics, functional parameters) data.

Experimental systems

  • In-house configurations of numerical codes for simulating the ocean  circulation, the fluid dynamics at the microscale (turbulence) and the impact on microorganisms.
  • In-house configurations of numerical codes for simulating planktonic populations at different levels of complexity.
  • Turbulence Profiler.
  • Devices for the production of marine turbulence in lab (TurboGen).


  • Analysis of the variability of the ocean physics (including thermodynamics) and biochemistry at various spatial and temporal scales at basin and sub-basin scales.
  • Statistical analysis of environmental data and ecological.
  • Water mass thermodynamic budgets.


  • Servers and computers for numerical simulations.
  • Software for data analysis.
  • Software for the simulation of the physics and biology of marine organisms (produced in-house or by external collaborators).

 In situ turbulence profiler (VMP250, Rockland Scientific)

TurboGen: a computer-guided, oscillating-grid device to reproduce the marine turbulence in the laboratory

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