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Microbial diversity in Mediterranean sponges as revealed by metataxonomic analysis

Protandric Transcriptomes to Uncover Parts of the Crustacean Sex-Differentiation Puzzle

Little evidence that Eurasian jays protect their caches by responding to cues about a conspecific’s desire and visual perspective

Silencing of a Pseudo-nitzschia arenysensis lipoxygenase transcript leads to reduced oxylipin production and impaired growth

Mini-Review: Potential of Diatom-Derived Silica for Biomedical Applications

Survival of the fittest: Prokaryotic communities within a SWRO desalination plant

Fatty Acids Derivatives From Eukaryotic Microalgae, Pathways and Potential Applications

Highly Contaminated Marine Sediments Can Host Rare Bacterial Taxa Potentially Useful for Bioremediation

Sources and seasonality of long-chain diols in a temperate lake (Lake Geneva)

Changes in microbial communities during seawater pre-treatment within a desalination plant

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