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An Insightful Model to Study Innate Immunity and Stress Response in Deep‐Sea Vent Animals: Profiling the Mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus

Insights into the genetic structure of the rabbitfish Chimaera monstrosa (Holocephali) across the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition zone

Evaluating the Effects of an Organic Extract from the Mediterranean Sponge Geodia cydonium on Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Non‑predatory mortality in Mediterranean coastal copepods

Seasonal rather than spatial variability drives planktonic and benthic bacterial diversity in a microtidal lagoon and the adjacent open sea

Cryptic effects of biological invasions: Reduction of the aggressive behaviour of a native fish under the influence of an ªinvasiveº biomolecule

Preliminary observations of caulerpin accumulation from the invasive Caulerpa cylindracea in native Mediterranean fish species

Unexpected winter phytoplankton blooms in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre

Mechanistic Drivers of Reemergence of Anthropogenic Carbon in the Equatorial Pacific

Pockmark morphology and turbulent buoyant plumes at a submarine spring

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