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Observational Needs Supporting Marine Ecosystems Modeling and Forecasting: From the Global Ocean to Regional and Coastal Systems

The complex evolutionary history of sulfoxide synthase in ovothiol biosynthesis

Spatial distribution and population structure of juvenile Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the South Shetland Islands

Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy

Probing the Interactions of Sulfur-Containing Histidine Compounds with Human Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase

Turtles on the trash track: loggerhead turtles exposed to floating plastic in the Mediterranean Sea

Gastrointestinal investigation of parasites and Enterobacteriaceae in loggerhead sea turtles from Italian coasts

Loggerhead sea turtles as sentinels in the western Mediterranean: antibiotic resistance and environment-related modifications of Gram-negative bacteria

Sulfur-containing histidine compounds inhibit -glutamyl transpeptidase activity in human cancer cells

Are FADs a significant source of marine litter? Assessment of released debris and mitigation strategy in the Mediterranean sea

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