You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelMazzella ValerioMazzella Valerio

Integrative Marine Ecology Department

Ischia Marine Centre
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Villa Comunale - 80121 Naples - Italy

E-mail: Valerio.mazzella(at)szn.it - valeriomazzella87(at)gmail.com
Skype: Valerio Mazzella

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

My research interests are mainly focused on general microbial ecology and sponges’ ecology. To answer some of my questions I try to use an integrated approach combining different disciplines, starting from the scientific diving to the data analysis, going through metabolomics, metagenomics, stable isotopes. I am a microbiome and mycobiome fanatic, obsessed in digging deeper into several marine holobionts, combining metagenomics and metabolomics, trying to re-discover funny stuff. My favorite marine organisms remain sponges, but lastly I have been involved in studying fish-parasites association, which is still an undiscovered world for me, full of mysteries and deserved to be studied.

Selected Publications

Bertolino M., Cerrano C., Bavestrello G., Thung DC., Núñez-Pons L., Rispo F., Efremova J., Mazzella V., Daisy Monica Makapedua DM., Calcinai B. (2023) New Insight into the Genus Cladocroce (Porifera, Demospongiae) Based on Morphological and Molecular Data, with the Description of Two New Species. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (6), 1240

Núñez-Pons L., Mazzella V., Rispo F., Efremova J., Calcinai B. (2022) DNA Barcoding procedures for taxonomical and phylogenetic studies in marine animals: porifera as Case Study. In Marine Genomics, 1°st ed. 2022; Methods and Protocols in Molecular Biology Series; Vol. 2498

Sanchez-Arcos C, Paris D, Mazzella V, Mutalipassi M, Costantini M, Buia MC, von Elert E, Cutignano A, Zupo V (2022) Responses of the Macroalga Ulva prolifera Müller to Ocean Acidification Revealed by Complementary NMR- and MS-Based Omics Approaches. Mar Drugs 20.

Mutalipassi M*, Mazzella V*, Schott M, Fink P, Glaviano F, Porzio L, Lorenti M, Buia MC, von Elert E, Zupo V (2022b) Ocean Acidification Affects Volatile Infochemicals Production and Perception in Fauna and Flora Associated With Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile. Front Mar Sci 9:1–17.

Mutalipassi M, Mazzella V, Glaviano F, Zupo V (2022a) Constitutive and activated toxigenic activity of Halomicronema metazoicum (Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanophyta). Mar Ecol.

Mutalipassi M, Riccio G, Mazzella V, Galasso C, Somma E, Chiarore A, de Pascale D, Zupo V (2021) Symbioses of cyanobacteria in marine environments: Ecological insights and biotechnological perspectives. Mar Drugs.

Moreiras-Figueruelo A, Nuzzo G, Galasso C, Sansone C, Crocetta F, Mazzella V, Gallo C, Barra G, Sardo A, Iuliano A, Manzo E, D’ippolito G, Albrigtsen M, Andersen JH, Ianora A, Fontana A (2021) Probing the therapeutic potential of marine phyla by spe extraction. Mar Drugs 19:1–16.

Vitale GA, Sciarretta M, Cassiano C, Buonocore C, Festa C, Mazzella V, Pons LN, D’auria MV, de Pascale D (2020) Molecular network and culture media variation reveal a complex metabolic profile in pantoea cf. Eucrina d2 associated with an acidified marine sponge. Int J Mol Sci 21:1–18.

Mutalipassi M, Mazzella V, Romano G, Ruocco N, Costantini M, Glaviano F, Zupo V (2019a) Growth and toxicity of Halomicronema metazoicum (Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanophyta) at different conditions of light, salinity and temperature. Biol Open 8.

Mutalipassi M, Mazzella V, Zupo V (2019b) Ocean acidification influences plant-animal interactions: The effect of Cocconeis scutellum parva on the sex reversal of Hippolyte inermis. PLoS One 14:1–14.

Mutalipassi M, Di Natale M, Mazzella V, Zupo V (2018) Automated culture of aquatic model organisms: Shrimp larvae husbandry for the needs of research and aquaculture. Animal 12:155–163.

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