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treglia gianlucaTechnician
Animal Conservation and Public Engagement Department

Tel. +39 081 5833222 - +39 081 5833262

Fax: +39 081 5833294
Tel. +39 081 5833764
e-mail gianluca.treglia(at)szn.it


Short CV

Employee in the Stazione Zoologica since 2004. Majoring in Environmental Sciences at the University of Naples Parthenope.  Since the beginning of my work, I deal in the organization and realization of guided tours, for Public Aquarium of Naples and the Turtle Point of Bagnoli. My main activity is centered in the management of exposition tanks of Aquarium from the maintenance of marine organisms, control and monitoring of chemical and physical parameters of water. Over the years I worked side by side for the care and rehabilitation of sea turtles, hospitalized at the Rescue Center of SZN, specializing in the techniques of first aid and pre-release (tagging and application of satellite monitoring devices) and participating in the research conducted by the Unit Aquarium. As part of my professional activities I got to collaborate with the Cattolica Aquarium, and national and international institutions for managing of marine species in aquarium and training of people of other Sea Turtles Recovery centers both in Italy and abroad (courses RAC-SPA UNEP). In recent years I have had the opportunity to improve techniques of scientific monitoring of Campania’s sea turtle nesting, specializing in the use of data loggers for continuous recording of the temperature parameters of the nests and morphometric measurements of sea turtle hatchling.


  • Acclimatization, quarantine and maintenance of marine vertebrates and invertebrates for the exhibition in Public Aquarium.
  • Decorative setting-up of Aquarium’s display tanks.
  • Care and maintenance of sea turtles in the SZN Rescue Centre.
  • First aid techniques, tagging and application of satellite devices, for monitoring of sea turtles.
  • Managing computing equipment laboratory.
  • Data Storage of Public Aquarium and Sea turtle Rescue Center.
  • Guided tours of the Aquarium directed to all kinds of users.


Fulvio Maffucci, Ilaria D’Angelo, Sandra Hochscheid, Mariapia Ciampa, Giovanni De Martino, Andrea Travaglini, Gianluca Treglia, Flegra Bentivegna. Sex ratio of juvenile loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean Sea: is it really 1:1? - Marine Biology 2013

Flegra Bentivegna, Maria Berica Rasotto, G. Andrea De Lucia, Elisabetta Secci, Giorgio Massaro, Sandro Panzera, Chiara Caputo, Piero Carlino, Gianluca Treglia, Sandra Hochscheid Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nests at High Latitudes in Italy: A Call for Vigilance in the Western Mediterranean Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2010

F. Bentivegna, M. Rasotto, G. A. De Lucia, E. Secci, G. Massaro, S. Panzera, C. Caputo, P. Carlino, G. Treglia, S. Hochscheid; Occurrence and fate of occasional loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nests in Italy, Western Mediterranean - 2009 Endangered Species Research

Sandra Hochscheid, Flegra Bentivegna, Mohamed N. Bradai, Graeme C. Hays (Ringraziamento per supporto tecnico nella pubblicazione); Overwintering behaviour in sea turtles: dormancy is optional - 2007 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 340: 287–298

Bentivegna, F., Treglia, G., & Hochscheid, S.  The first report of a loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta nest on the central Tyrrhenian coast (western Mediterranean) 2005 JMBA2 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

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