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Cenci sito sznTechnician
Marine Animal Conservation and Public Engagement Department

e-mail: elisa.cenci(at)szn.it



Curriculum Vitae

After obtaining a Master’s Degree in Marine Biology in 2007 (University of Padua – campus of Chioggia-VE), I completed my education with a First Level Master in Environmental Communication and Socio-Institutional Dissemination (Rome) and with a study and research project on Marine Protected Areas, carrying capacity and fish fauna, carried out in Spain (Universidad de Murcia - Departemento de Ecologìa).
Upon my return to Italy, I began working on the recovery and restoration of the historical collection of marine animals named Trieste and Rovinj (property of the University of Padua). This collection was then the centrepiece of the then nascent Giuseppe Olivi Museum of Adriatic Zoology (2011), for which I was responsible for the exhibition planning and pathway, panelling, and educational materials for schools.
In 2014, I founded and chaired Bluscienza S.C. with the aim of disseminating marine biology and ecology, promoting environmental education, and raising awareness of the responsible use of resources. Bluscienza then managed the Olivi Museum for two years.
I alternated between research and dissemination by creating a digital dichotomous key for the recognition of fishes of the Venice Lagoon and evaluating the efficiency of protection on the fish fauna of the Tegnùe di Chioggia through visual census sampling.
In 2019 I landed at the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples and started with the design and realisation of the future Darwin-Dohrn Museum. It was a team work on the conception of the exhibition itinerary, the realisation of the panelling, the iconographic design alongside professional graphic designers and, above all, my expertise was focused in the displacement of the historical collections from SZN to the DaDoM's amazing glass cage.


I work at the Darwin-Dohrn Museum (DaDoM), dedicated to the evolution of life in the sea, the ecology of marine organisms and the history of marine scientific research, as curator of the SZN's invaluable historical collections of marine animals, including the most recent acquisitions (dry, liquid and histological preparations) with expertise in the preparation, restoration, regeneration, conservation and cataloguing of biological and museum exhibits. I am also involved in conception, preparation and mounting of museum exhibitions (temporary exhibitions and thematic focuses). My duties in the field of science and outreach include assisting the staff of the Dohrn Foundation in the preparation and leading of guided tours, educational and recreational activities, educational workshops for schools and events open to the public

Scientific publications

1. Cenci E, Pizzolon M, Chimento N and Mazzoldi C. The influence of a new artificial structure on fish assemblages of adjacent hard substrata. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci. 2011, 91: 133-149.

2. Pizzolon M, Cenci E and Mazzoldi C. The onset of fish colonization in a coastal defence structure (Chioggia, Northern Adriatic sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci. 2008, 78: 166-178.

3. Cenci E and Mazzoldi C. Le tegnue di Chioggia: prima valutazione qualitativa e quantitativa della fauna ittica. Biologia Marina Mediterranea. 2006, 13 (1): 840-843

Dissemination publications

4. Cenci E. Click&fISH – Guida al riconoscimento dei pesci della laguna di Venezia. Applicazione per il riconoscimento attraverso chiave dicotomica delle specie ittiche della Laguna di Venezia. 2014.
Versione IOS e Versione Android disponibili su Playstore e AppStore;
Versione on-line : dbiodbs.units.it/carso/chiavi_pub21?sc=601
Versione cartacea: dryades.units.it/online_books/ClickandFish_Book_ita/files/assets/basic-html/index.html#1

5. Cenci E. Il museo & la scuola. Manuale didattico per la trattazione di temi legati alla biologia marina con alunni delle scuole primarie, secondarie di primo e di secondo grado. 2011. Pubblicato per il Museo di Zoologia Adriatica “G. Olivi”- UNIPD. Edizioni Centro offset, Mestrino (PD), 107 pp.

6. Cenci E. & C. Mazzoldi. Pesci. 2008. In: Ponti, M. & P. Mescalchin (Eds) Meraviglie sommerse delle "Tegnùe". Guida alla scoperta degli organismi marini. Associazione "Tegnùe di Chioggia" - Onlus, Editrice La Mandragora, Imola (BO), 424 pp.

Technical Reports

7. Cenci E, Pizzolon M, Melli V and Mion M. La fauna ittica come indicatore dell’efficacia della protezione - Relazione tecnica sulle attività svolte. 2014. Progetto: Valorizzazione e gestione della zona a tutela biologica delle “Tegnùe di Chioggia” realizzato ai sensi della L.R. 15/2007

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